A lodash like library with utility functions for common business use cases
like cycling through array values, extracting youtube urls,
creating a sitemap and much more.
- #javascript
A non-directional state machine built in javascript. 1/2kb gzipped. Inspired by xstate.
- #javascript
- #statemachine
A library that automates creating CRUD utilities for redux based applications
using well known conventions.
- #redux
- #rxjs
- #redux-thunk
- #redux-observable
- #crud
Youtube Courses
Functional programming explained in the simplest way possible. 24 videos. 5 minutes each. Free. What are you waiting for?
Watch the full course on
- #functional
- #frp
- #javascript
Functional programming explained in the simplest way possible. 24 videos. 5 minutes each. Free. What are you waiting for?
Watch the full course on
- #functional
- #frp
- #javascript