journal (Sun Jun 07 2020)
Today I learnt
- #serverless
- #sketchapp
- #reactlibraries
- #svg
- Open source platform for creating serverless infrastructure
- Calculate expenses across companies for serverless -
- - The name says it all
- Implement authentication in serverless applications -
- Hugo - a static site generator just like gatsby. Fully opensource.
- JAMSTACK stands for - Javascript Api and Markup
- - Open source, is being used at digital ocean. I am still not sure how to make sense of all these things out there.
- Fission - a framework for serverless functions on Kubernetes.
- Kubeless - another framework for serverless functions on Kubernetes.
- Faunadb - Database built for serverless.
- Jets - Ruby now has its own serverless framework as well.
- The PLONK stack for serverless.
- Serverless globe - An article on csstricks by Sarah Drasner.
Chris Coyier's great talk on serverless. Has information about a bunch of websites.
- Played around with sketch today. Made a few interesting SVG patterns using the looper plugin.
- Found this interesting plugin to count the number of selected layers.
- react-player - Play videos from all kinds of platforms
- react-youtube - Youtube only player for React
- react-syntax-highlighter - Render code snippets in JSX
- Reading part 2 of the series.
merges many filter primitives.- Filters dont have to be defined inside defs within the svg.
- Filters defined inside an svg can be used by any markup on the page.
- operator dilate - thickens stuff, operator erode thins stuff.
- operator=in: when
is displayed in the intersected area. - operator=out: when
intersect, the intersected area is subtracted.
Some interesting fonts for retro styles - november, green-fuz, dpcomic